Let's Celebrate National Author's Day Together!
And explore why the heck I've committed to writing 50,000 words in 30 days.
Infected with the writing bug as a child, I would write short stories as soon as I could hold a pencil.
About three decades later, I’m still writing.
Writing is my purposeful passion.
This writing bug is highly contagious. So I’m not alone.
Today is a special day for all writers.
November 1 is National Author’s Day.
This day celebrates you, whether you’re a published author or not.
If you have already created an original article, poem, story, or other written work, you are an author. Congrats!
I want to celebrate you and your success today.
👉 So it’s your turn. Share your articles, poems, stories, or books with me and the community in the comments! I’ll pick 5 and feature them on Medium and Twitter.
Oh, talking about Twitter… a few hours ago I shared this tweet.
Within a few hours, It received over 3,000 impressions and over 100 likes, and 40 replies.

Crazy, isn’t it?
There are so many people out there who love to write.
For me, writing is about unleashing your imagination. There are no boundaries…and off you go.
Authors on Twitter have started sharing with me their bilingual ebooks, indie books on Amazon, stories about love and lust, crime stories, and wonderful poems.
Just go for your book this month!
Warning: The following tip will inspire you to dust off your creative dreams. So if you’d rather keep your book idea tucked away in a drawer, don’t read this!
No matter where you are on your writing journey, I reckon you have a novel in you. This month, it’s time to let it out and create your (shitty) first draft.
It’s NaNoWriMo.
National Novel Writing Month.
This free challenge acts as a “creative midwife”.
Write with hundreds of thousands of other people around the globe 50,000 words of a brand new novel in thirty days.
The words don’t have to be good.
They just have to be on the page.
Join the NaNoWriMo challenge here!
📚I’ve committed to writing 50,000 words of a novel in 30 days.
NaNoWriMo is perfect for everyone who wants to build a writing habit, has that daily practice, and needs an accountability buddy.
Once inside, you can participate in writer yoga sessions, word sprints, and write-ins. Plus, you’ll get access to pep talks by published authors.
I’ve committed to writing a romance (follow me on Medium for more):
Today, I’ve already written 1,200 words and felt good while writing.
It’s a shitty first draft but who cares. Perfect is a lie.
I always wanted to write a novel. This is the day and time to start.
NaNoWriMo executive director Grant Faulkner said in an interview.
“So many times people say, ‘I’m going to write a novel some day’, but that ‘some day’ tends not to happen.
NaNoWriMo is all about, ‘Don’t wait for inspiration to come to you’. If you only write when the inspiration comes, you won’t write that often.”
What are you waiting for…
👉Share YOUR story, book, poem, OR link to a (Substack) author you adore to celebrate National Author’s Day.🥳
I’ll pick 5 and feature them on Medium.
If you want to help me as an author, recommend this newsletter to your circle of authors.
Happy Nano! Thanks for sharing the love. I made my book On a Wing and Prayer free today and tomorrow, plus it’s free for Kindle Unlimited subscribers to borrow. Here’s the link to my post about it on Medium. https://writerkat.medium.com/happy-world-vegan-day-and-month-1d15f729c18b
Well, I finally figured out how to properly subscribe so I could follow you here. 🙂
So, yes, let's write! I have a goal this month of putting 3 articles, writing pieces, series of words, with several missing commas, on Medium. Just need to figure out the details on how to go about that. May happen, Nov. 28,29, and 30, but that's my intent. Best if luck on the 50,000 words. I'm sure you can pull it off.